HomeWorld NewsISMAILI Muslims Leader Aga Khan Death Update | Portugal News | Agha...

ISMAILI Muslims Leader Aga Khan Death Update | Portugal News | Agha Khan, a religious leader of Ismaili Muslims, passed away: Last breath took place at the age of 88, the 49th generation Imam was

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Aga Khan died in Portugal. They have 3 sons and 1 daughter.

The religious and spiritual leader of Ismaili Muslims and billionaire Aga Khan died on Tuesday at the age of 88. AP News quoted the Aga Khan Foundation as saying that the 49th hereditary Imam Aga Khan IV of Shia Ismaili Muslims died in Portugal. His successor will be announced later. Aga Khan has 3 sons and 1 daughter.

Aga Khan's real name was Prince Shah Karim Al Hussaini. He was born on 13 December 1936 in Geneva and spent his early childhood in Nairobi, Keshana. Aga Khan, who graduated in Islamic history from Harvard University, became a spiritual leader of Ismaili Muslims at the age of 20.

His estimated assets in media reports are considered from $ 800 million to $ 13 billion. He made great donations to homes, hospitals and schools in developing countries.

Aga Ali with King Charles (then Prince) of Britain in 2010.

Aga Ali with King Charles (then Prince) of Britain in 2010.

Aga Khan's degree given in 1957 On 19 October 1957, he was officially awarded the title of Aga Khan IV in Dar-S-Salam, Tanzania. The followers of Aga Khan considered him a descendant of Prophet Muhammad. He had British, French, Swiss and Portuguese citizenship. He was also fond of raising horses.

He told Vanity Fair magazine in 2012-


Earning money here is not considered evil. Islamic morality is that if God has given you a special place in the society, then your moral responsibility for the society increases.


Aga Khan with American bodybuilder and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Aga Khan with American bodybuilder and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

A bridge between Muslim society and the West world was considered Aga Khan, a supporter of Islamic culture, was considered a bridge between Muslim society and the West world. He built several hospitals in Bangladesh, Tajikistan and Afghanistan.

Aga Khan married twice. The first marriage was in 1969 to former British model Sarah Croker Pool, with whom they had a daughter and two sons. Both were divorced in 1995. In 1998, she married German -born Gabriel Lenningan, from whom she had a son. Both got divorced in 2014.

Vanity Fair magazine wrote about Aga Khan in 2013-


Very few people get the gap between spiritual and physical, east and west, Muslim and Christian so beautifully as they are beautifully.


Agha Khan at Dutch Shahi Mahal with second wife Gabrielle Liningan.

Agha Khan at Dutch Shahi Mahal with second wife Gabrielle Liningan.

Who is Ismaili Muslims? Ismaili Muslim Shia is a masalak of Shia Islam, ie sub-sect, it is also known as Muslims, Agikhani Muslims and Nijari Muslims. These are the second largest Shia sub-sect according to followers.

Ismaili Muslims consider the interpretation of the Quran through the Imam. The place where Ismaili Muslims worship is called Jamaatkhana.


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