{“_id”:”6734ddc1e2cb01059e0be253″,”slug”:”election-for-the-post-of-mayor-and-deputy-mayor-of-mcd-today-2024-11-13″,”type”:” feature-story”,”status”:”publish”,”title_hn”:”Delhi Mayor Election: Election for the post of Mayor and Deputy Mayor of MCD today, BJP also has the upper hand; intact”,”category”:{“title”:”City & states”,”title_hn”:”City & States”,”slug”:”city-and-states”}}
Congress has only eight votes in MCD, which does not seem to play a decisive role this time. However, Congress has not yet taken a final decision on whether to participate in the elections or not.
Delhi Mayor Election – Photo: Amar Ujala
Elections for the post of Mayor and Deputy Mayor of MCD will be held on Thursday. Since Aam Aadmi Party has majority in MCD, he is claiming victory. Despite this, BJP is also ready to try its luck in the field. This time 273 members will vote for the mayor election. These include 249 councilors, 14 nominated MLAs and 10 MPs from Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. In this electoral mathematics, Aam Aadmi Party has 143 votes, while BJP has 122 votes and Congress has eight votes. 137 votes will be required for victory.