Saiful Haque, general secretary of Revolutionary Workers Party, said that although economic inequality is rampant in the country, the interim government does not have much thought about it. There has been a movement against discrimination. But the most important concern in the last 5 months is that there is no discussion on discrimination.
He said these things at the commemoration meeting organized on the first death anniversary of Rabindranath Saren, President of the Central Committee of Bangladesh National Adivasi Parishad, at Nasrul Hamid Auditorium of Dhaka Reporters Unity on Monday (January 13) afternoon.
Saiful Haque said that there was practically no discussion about economic inequality. Only Dr. Debapriya Bhattacharya published a report like every year. It has been said that 16 billion dollars were smuggled out of the country during the Awami League period.
He said, if the corrupt economy cannot be transformed, if it cannot be changed, then political reforms from top to top will not go far. Changing the nexus of politics with the corruption of the economy is not in the spotlight. It seems to me like Shubhankar's loophole.
Saiful Haque expressed disappointment that there has been no significant discussion at the national level about the social, ethnic and linguistic discrimination in addition to the economic discrimination or the discrimination between the Bengali population and the hill or plain population.
He also said, I call the mass uprising of July-August – the mass uprising of students, workers, masses. If anyone has given their lives after students, it is these hardworking people Unfortunately they are now yojan yojan away from the government They have no representation in this government Moreover, there was no time to listen to any of their language, any of their democratic aspirations and objections in the last five months of this government.
Rabindranath Saren's memorial meeting was also attended by Khushi Kabir, executive director of 'Nijera Kari', Ruhin Hossain Prince, general secretary of CPB, Rajekuzzaman Ratan, assistant general secretary of BAS, Shamsul Huda, executive director of LRD, Bichitra Tirki, president of Jatiya Adivasi Parishad, Mahmudul Mahmudul, professor of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University. Suman