Home2024 US electionsTrump can shock China before leaving the presidency, can create many problems

Trump can shock China before leaving the presidency, can create many problems

Joe Biden has won the elections in America and is going to become the next President but Donald Trump is not going to accept it so easily. That is why speculations are being made that Trump can easily…

Nootan Vaindel live hindustanNew DelhiMon, 9 Nov 2020 02:48 AM
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Joe Biden has won the elections in America and is going to become the next President but Donald Trump is not going to accept it so easily. Therefore, speculations are being made that Trump will not give up his tenure so easily. Experts and former officials say they fear that Trump may do some things that will cause trouble for Biden in his first months.
Given Trump's repeated efforts to blame Beijing for the Covid-19 pandemic and the economic conditions in the United States, it seems likely his target will be China, experts say, says Mark Magnier at the South China Morning Post. It is possible “Trump has promised to punish China for COVID-19, so the question is what that means,” said Jeff Moon, head of China Moon Strategies and a former National Security Council official.

Visa blocking attempts
Mangier writes that including Taiwan could potentially be a way to worsen already weak US-China relations and undermine the Biden administration's move to improve bilateral cooperation on global environmental and health issues. Beyond the potentially explosive move to convict China of genocide for its mass detention of Uyghurs in Xinjiang, Trump could try to block visas for more Communist Party officials or to abandon Beijing's 2022 Winter Olympics. The Americans could stir up trouble by trying to dictate orders to athletes.

app ban
Trump's other options may include banning other Chinese apps after TikTok and WeChat and banning Huawei technologies.
Sarah Kreps, a law and government professor at Cornell University, says “China's power has grown significantly over the last four years … so I would expect Biden's policies to have some similarities to those of the Trump administration.” According to the Pew Research Center, 73 percent of Americans have a negative view of China, up 13 percentage points from last year and 20 points from 2017 when Trump took office.
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden was declared the winner of the US presidential elections, after which Trump refused to accept himself as the loser and has decided to challenge it legally. Meanwhile, the US government first removed the East Turkestan Islamic Movement from its list of terrorist organizations after nearly two decades, citing a weakening of China's anti-terrorist pretext over its crackdown on Uyghurs in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. It is made.

Also read- Donald Trump's son-in-law Kushner spoke to him, asked him to accept the election results
The US move comes amid condemnation of China's policies in Xinjiang, where large populations of Muslim minorities have been held in re-education camps. According to US officials and UN experts, about seven percent of the Muslim population in Xinjiang is in an expanding network of “political re-education” camps. However, China routinely denies such abuses and says the camps provide vocational training.

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