HomeGlobal EconomyArab Finance - Ahmed Maher, CEO of Strategy Egypt: We are focusing...

Arab Finance – Ahmed Maher, CEO of Strategy Egypt: We are focusing strongly on carbon markets during the coming period

Ahmed Maher, CEO of Strategy Egypt: We are focusing strongly on carbon markets during the coming period

Arab Finance: a statement Dr. Ahmed Maher Executive Director of Strategy Egypt CompanyHe announced that the company is currently working on developing a new project that includes an electronic platform aimed at supporting the efforts of verification authorities in Carbon reduction projectsusing advanced technical solutions to enhance governance and transparency.

Maher added, during an exclusive interview with “Arab Finance,” that the company has achieved great success in implementing many digital transformation projects, such as the project to automate the bailiffs office of the Ministry of Justice, where minutes are delivered efficiently and with high accuracy thanks to the use of geographic information systems techniques, which reduces… Largely from human error.

First, tell us about Strategy Egypt and when it was founded?

Strategic Egypt Company is a leading company in the field of geographical information systems and remote sensing. It is concerned with the environmental field, new and renewable energy, agriculture and irrigation, and has a group of solutions that serve the environmental field. We have worked in national strategic projects at the level of the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Middle East in this field. We also implemented a project to monitor biodiversity in natural reserves with the Egyptian Ministry of Environment, and this project in particular won a global excellence award from the international “Esri” Foundation this year. In the past years, we have also won many creativity awards at the level of the continent of Africa in the field of agricultural technology development. We also worked with many government agencies on national projects, such as the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Irrigation, and the Ministry of Agriculture, as well as international bodies such as the United Nations Development Program and the United Nations Population Fund.

How do you see interest in the areas of climate change, especially with funding agencies turning to this type of activity?

With the continuous increase in interest in climate change, and the emergence of carbon markets in Egypt, the Arab region, the Middle East and Africa, it has become clear that technology plays a vital role in supporting this sector, and Egypt is witnessing great development in this field with the presence of the first regulated market for voluntary carbon under the supervision of the Authority. Financial Control, I believe that new technologies, including digital solutions and remote sensing, help improve the efficiency of project follow-up and achieve sustainability goals, which contributes to enhancing transparency and governance in this growing sector.

What are the most prominent projects implemented during the recent period?

We have recently launched several digital platforms that provide innovative solutions, including a digital transformation project in cooperation with one of the government agencies responsible for managing a large portion of agricultural land in Egypt. The platform we developed helps monitor risks that may threaten agricultural crops, such as agricultural pests, by Through interactive maps based on satellite data, which contributes to improving the quality of crops and reducing risks, as well as other applications related to the management of environmental crises and disasters. Outside of Egypt, we have a project in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program in the state of Libya related to the development of the Great Man-Made River, which is considered… The longest artificial river known to mankind, and the company is responsible for developing the strategic plan for digital transformation for this project under the umbrella of the United Nations Development Programme. We also worked in the Republic of Iraq on an infrastructure project for geographic information systems in more than one Iraqi governorate, in order to connect more than 21 government departments to each other, which contributes In improving data management and coordinating work between these departments.

How was there cooperation with the Ministries of Justice and Environment to implement digital technology and digital transformation?

The office of the bailiffs in the Egyptian Ministry of Justice has been automated and the work departments have been mechanized. For example, when the bailiff delivers a warning to a citizen, it is confirmed that the official warning has been delivered to the citizen, through GPS, where the location of the bailiff and the place where the warning is delivered are determined through a tablet carried by the bailiff. This saves time and effort, and for the Ministry of Environment, we carried out a biodiversity inventory project that won the International Excellence Award, and we presented a project to monitor and protect migratory birds from windmills used to generate renewable energy, as Egypt is the second stop in the world on the bird migration path, as windmills cause In killing large numbers of migratory birds, we have provided an electronic solution to the problem through the “Strategy SkyEye” application, which contributes to monitoring flocks of migratory birds, and gives signals to stop the windmill or group of windmills on the path of the flock at the appropriate time until the flock of birds passes safely.

How do you see the importance of digital transformation?

Digital transformation is essential to achieving development and effective governance through digitization, as it is possible to improve the efficiency of operations, reduce the time and effort required, and ensure the accuracy of implementation. Digital solutions also allow accurate and transparent follow-up, which contributes to strengthening governance and improving performance in general.

You started your activity as a startup company and then the company has now grown.. How do you see the importance of startups in the Egyptian economy?

Start-up companies play a major role in promoting creativity and technological development within society. When these companies grow and turn into small and medium-sized companies, they contribute significantly to strengthening the economy. State support for start-up companies is vital, as it helps alleviate the pressures they face, such as challenges… Employment, also enhances their ability to grow and innovate.

How do you see the challenges facing startups?

Startups are practically carved out of the rock, as they face great challenges, starting from the impact of the Corona pandemic to economic fluctuations such as floating the Egyptian pound twice in a short period, and despite the presence of support from the state, the challenges associated with inherited bureaucracy still constitute an obstacle, and will not be overcome quickly. These factors make startups need more flexibility and innovation to overcome difficulties and grow.

Under these circumstances, what do you think of the financing crisis facing many startups?

Financing is the lifeblood of startups and is very important to them, and startups in general seek to grow through financing that helps them develop and innovate.

What are your interests during the coming period?

In the coming period, we are focusing strongly on the new carbon markets that the country recently announced, as we see great opportunities for growth and contributing to supporting sustainability. We have a major project called “Harvest Protector”, and a digital platform is scheduled to be launched by the end of the year, and this platform will help Verification and follow-up bodies monitor lands nominated for carbon storage projects using satellite technologies, which enhances the accuracy of follow-up and governance.

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