HomeIndustry NewsArab Finance - Al-Ahram Printing Company rises with its half-term losses

Arab Finance – Al-Ahram Printing Company rises with its half-term losses

Arab Finance: Company announced Al Ahram Printing and Packaging – (EPPK)announced the results of its operations for the period ending on 30/06/2024which showed a net loss of 10,209 million pounds, compared to a net loss of 8,018 million pounds for the same period of the previous year.

The company's purpose is to produce, manufacture and print packaging materials of all kinds – cardboard, paper, plastic, multi-layer and in general – packaging materials whose components include multi-layer foil and converted paper. In order to achieve its purposes, the company imports all the raw materials and production requirements necessary for it, including paper, cardboard and all types. Foils, cellophane, aluminum foils and all kinds of foils for films, metal ores, primers, polyamide and polypropylene, as well as films, printing plates and supplies.

As well as inks, solvents, and all printing chemicals, as well as the necessary machines, equipment, tools, means, and spare parts, marketing, distributing, and exporting them at home and abroad. The company may also accept the necessary agencies to achieve its goals, taking into account the provisions of applicable laws, regulations, and decisions, provided that it obtains all necessary licenses to practice these activities.

The company may have an interest or participate in any way with companies and others that engage in businesses similar to its own or that may help it achieve its purpose in Egypt or abroad. It may also merge with, purchase, or annex the aforementioned entities, in accordance with the provisions of the law. And its executive regulations.

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