HomeTechnologyShakhawat's world victory in electricity

Shakhawat's world victory in electricity

Born in Chittagong's Madarbari in the sixties, Shakhawat dreamed of becoming a pilot. But the father wanted his son to be a barrister. The Shakhawats are five brothers. The father wanted the sons to go into different professions. But whatever he does, let him do the best in that place. Shakhawat did so. Not only did he do well, he became one of the best in his field.

SSC in 1979, went to Oklahoma University of Tulsa, USA to do Pre-LLB in 1981 as a preparation for barristers. Rules for taking major subjects after the first two semesters. Then he chose 'Management Information System' from the idea that he can get a good job in the United States if he studies computers. In the final year of graduation, in 1987, he was called as a programmer in the US-based natural gas processing and transportation company The William Company. Interestingly, this opportunity came while working as a waiter in a restaurant. A consumer offered on his own. At that time, the monthly salary he collected was less than the daily tips he received as a waiter. But Shakhawat saw the long way. So he did not miss this opportunity to learn work. After studying, when it was time to work, he was more experienced than his friends.

When he graduated in 1988, he received three simultaneous job offers at a career festival. From there, he joined PricewaterhouseCoopers, a 130-year-old audit and tax firm in the United States, as a senior consultant. In 1989, Shakhawat settled in Dallas. Still there. Worked as senior manager of audit firm Ernst & Young. He traveled to many countries and gave lectures. Conducted workshops for young professionals.

He also served as Energy & Utility Services Leader and Principal & Services Sales in IT giant IBM's Global Services Energy Sector. Worked at IBM from 2000 to 2008. In 2005, Shakhawat started a project to curb wastage of electricity. Generally, the amount of electricity generated at the power station is greatly reduced as it reaches homes or businesses, the entire amount of electricity produced is not available. Some power is wasted in between. If a power line passes over a tree or there is a crow on the line, the amount of electricity decreases. In order to prevent such system losses, according to Shakhawat's idea, IBM used a dump line coating on electrical wires. In 2006, IBM gave him the 'Presidential Award' for his achievements in reducing electricity wastage. In 1997, he founded the software-based company NKsoft. This institution brought him world fame.

John Shakhawat Chowdhury said, 'In 1997, the use of the Internet in the United States was just being introduced. At that time I gave the idea to electricity and gas companies to submit electricity and gas bills using internet (online), solve bill related problems through internet. Back then, an employee was paid $5 an hour to provide solutions to customer services. I suggest to them, if even 10 percent of people take the service through internet using our software, then the company will make a lot of profit. The Southern Union Company of the United States was the first to accept our offer. Then I didn't have to look back.'

John Shakhawat Chowdhury's NKSoft is being served by Oracle, American Airlines, Mexico's Kit Carson, Philippines' largest electricity producer Merilco Power, India's Wipro, and many other companies around the world. The power sector of various countries including Brazil, Mexico, Philippines, Singapore regularly takes his advice. NKsoft is operating in USA, Canada, UK, Bulgaria, California, India and Bangladesh. Only research and development works in Bangladesh. About 200 employees of NKsoft work in different parts of the world. In 2013-14 and 2014-15 he was recognized as 'One of the Top Twenty Smart Grid Experts in the World' by the Dallas Business Journal, a Texas-based business journal.


Regarding this recognition, he said, 'I received this honor among the United States and Latin American countries. If you look at the names of the other winners in my category, you'll see that they are CEOs of multibillion dollar energy companies. Energy companies voted for me, because I gave innovative solutions in the fields of smart energy and green energy, smart grid.

US based software company provides three types of services through EnkSoft Software. NKsoft works with open source solutions. It combines 'Collaborative Communication' software and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software, which is easy to use and works on the basis of 'Cloud' software. Under consulting services, we receive electricity, gas and water bills, forward service related complaints from customers to appropriate authorities, analyze data, take care of cyber security issues, etc.

Under the project service, what needs to be done in the implementation of any 'project' of the company, sending notice to the required person at the required time according to the importance, this service informs where any solution can come from. NKSoft provides the company's own social media under NSocial Services.

Shakhawat Chowdhury went to the United States at the age of 17. He holds a bachelor's and master's degree in Management Information Systems from the University of Tulsa, and an MBA from The University of Texas. He is also serving as the president of the American Association of Bangladeshi Engineers and Architects. He has used all the education he has acquired in various innovative works in different parts of the world and is also investing the light of his knowledge in Bangladesh.



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