HomeWorld NewsTurkey's BRICS membership application was rejected by India. Claim- India stopped Turkey's...

Turkey's BRICS membership application was rejected by India. Claim- India stopped Turkey's entry in BRICS: Refused to make it a member because of its closeness to Pakistan.

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BRICS Summit was organized on 22-24 October in Kazan city of Russia.

The German newspaper Bild has claimed in its report that Turkey has not been able to enter BRICS because of India. According to this, Turkey had applied to become a member of BRICS, but it was rejected because of India.

Actually, Turkey has close relations with Pakistan. He has given statements against India many times on Kashmir issue. Recently, during the BRICS Summit, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said in his statement that the plans of the organization should be made only with the consensus of the founding countries.

After this statement of PM Modi, speculations are being made that Turkey could not get membership of BRICS due to India's opposition.

'Adding new countries should not affect efficiency'

In his speech during the BRICS Summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin also said that before including new countries, care will be taken that it does not affect the working capacity of the organization.

Because of this new applications have been postponed.

However, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan participated in the BRICS Plus summit on 24 October. This year, four new countries Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia and UAE were added to BRICS.

These four countries had participated in the summit as members this year.

28 countries and 5 international organizations participated in the BRICS Plus Summit.

28 countries and 5 international organizations participated in the BRICS Plus Summit.

Didn't get membership but became partner country, Pakistan still out

More than 30 countries including Turkey and Pakistan had officially applied for membership. These countries could not become formal members but 13 of these countries have been made partner countries.

It includes 7 Muslim majority countries including Algeria, Malaysia, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Turkey and Uzbekistan. Partner countries will not be formal members of BRICS, but will be part of the planning of the organization. Pakistan had also applied for membership but it could not find a place in the list of partner countries.

Turkey has been taking Pakistan's side against India

Turkey has also made statements on the Kashmir issue several times in the United Nations. During the 76th session of the UN in the year 2022, the Turkish President had also commented on Kashmir. Responding to this, India also raised the issue of occupation of Cyprus.

Turkey has been occupying a large part of Cyprus for many decades. While giving a speech at the UN, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had said that the problem of Kashmir has been going on for 74 years. We believe that both sides should resolve this together with the United Nations.

After this, when it was the turn of Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar to speak, he raised the issue of Cyprus. The UN has passed a resolution on this issue, which Turkey does not accept. Jaishankar did not stop here, he also held a bilateral meeting with Cyprus Foreign Minister Nicos Christodoulides.

Jaishankar had said in his speech that the resolution passed in the UN regarding Cyprus should be followed.


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