HomeBangladesh Politics14 proposals to the interim government of the 12 party coalition

14 proposals to the interim government of the 12 party coalition

The 12-party coalition has submitted a 14-point proposal to the interim government. There is also a demand to announce election roadmap by completing effective reforms within necessary and reasonable time based on dialogue with political parties and all social parties.

Syed Ehsanul Huda, the coordinator of the alliance and the chairman of the national party, highlighted this in a press conference titled 'Expectations of the prevailing situation of the country' organized by the 12-party alliance at the Abdus Salam Hall of the National Press Club on Wednesday (October 16).

In the press conference, the head of the 12-party alliance and the chairman of the Jatiya Party (Kazi Zafar) Mustafa Jamal Haider said, “On behalf of our 12 parties and indeed on behalf of all the democracy-loving people of this country, we have only one demand, that is the unity of those who participated in the anti-fascist movement.” This unity can save the country and nation.

The proposals of the 12-party alliance are:

Removal of all the friends of fascism who are working in the administration, new fit list for appointment of district administrators and cancellation of appointments of district administrators against whom complaints have been made and cancellation of all contractual appointments during fascism.

A couple of advisers to the interim government are disrupting the spirit of the revolution, they must be removed. For the last 15 years, government officials who have been deprived of promotion should be ensured ex parte promotion.

Constitute a separate judicial commission for Pilkhana and Shapla Chattar massacres and release the actual inquiry report of the BDR rebellion and release the innocent jawans.

The dream and achievement of the immense sacrifice, blood donation and life of the students cannot be allowed to fail in any way. To ensure the accountability and transparency of the interim government, the progress of every ministry-based work should be presented to the nation every month, and the declaration of accounting of their own resources should be implemented.

The election commission appointment law was suspended and the election commission was formed immediately based on the consensus of the political parties, the law to issue NID card under the Ministry of Home Affairs was canceled by issuing an ordinance and all the union councils elected by fake vote of the fascist government were canceled, Jasmine Tuli in the election reform commission was two-one controversial or fascist government. Abolish the black law of appointment of collaborators and registration of political parties.

From 2007, during the regime of Sheikh Hasina, all false and invisible cases motivated by political and motives should be withdrawn.

Action should be taken against those involved in creating unrest in Chittagong Hill Tracts and those involved in disappearances and murders should be arrested immediately.

Public administration, home affairs, law and health, where the activities of the ministries are not satisfactory, the responsibilities should be reshuffled or new advisers appointed, and if necessary, assistant advisers should be appointed in some ministries.

12 party alliance press conference

Immediately set up a Commission of Inquiry to bring to the attention of the nation all the atrocities committed in July-August and give the highest priority to the rehabilitation of every martyr's family and the treatment of injured and crippled students and to the commission of those unjustly dismissed from the civil administration and the officers and soldiers of the armed forces. To provide for honorable rehabilitation in employment.

Establishment of 'Truth and Reconciliation Commission' as well as 'Truth and Reconciliation Commission' to try individuals, organizations and political parties who are accomplices of fascism, disappearances, murders, extrajudicial killings, human rights violations and genocide, direct and indirect accomplices, international criminal tribunals .

Apart from the six state reform commissions, the formation of a national health commission for the health sector and the process of reforming the army and air force should also be taken separately.

To bring the price of goods to a bearable level, regular monitoring of the market, stopping extortion-robbing-corruption, freeing the footpaths for public movement, alleviating the unbearable traffic congestion, including administration, political parties, social organizations and the change-seeking students, central and regional in combination. Formation of community monitoring team.

All the anti-national agreements made by the fascist government with various countries should be reviewed and canceled and those who have built mountains of illegal money through anti-interest agreements and smuggled money abroad should be quickly brought under the law along with confiscation of their assets.

On the basis of dialogue with political parties and all social parties, the election roadmap should be announced after completing effective reforms within a necessary and reasonable time.

In response to the question whether they want to bring the Jamaat back into the alliance, the spokesperson of the alliance, Shahadat Hossain Salim, said, “Out of the 20-party alliance, we have about 42 political parties simultaneously protesting.” Jamaat was never present in this movement.

He said that Jamaat went to the elections with Awami League in 1986, but the people did not accept it. Jamaat and BNP held separate elections in 1996. Both parties are affected by this. Otherwise, Awami League would not have existed in this country in 1996. Awami League ran a steamroller on the people for 15 years and destroyed the country. Our call to Jamaat-e-Islami will be to understand this thing so that we can walk together in the future.

Jatiya Gonotantrik Party (JAGPA) Vice President Rashed Pradhan, Bangladesh Labor Party Ekash Chairman Farooq Rahman Bangladesh Welfare Party Chairman Shamsuddin Parvez and top leaders of the alliance were also present at the press conference.

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